
    Professional partner

    Magyar Edzők Társasága

    Main sponsors

    Emberi Erőforrások Minisztériuma Külgazdasági és Külügyminisztérium Innovációs és Technológiai Minisztérium
    Orthosera Hungaroring


    Nemzeti Sportügynökség LikeGroup

    Media partner

    Trend FM


     EliteSport Favorit Sport (Bemer Partner)  Interticket  Konsens
    MotionLAB Orthosera  SkillDict  Nemzeti Kézilabda Akadémia (NEKA)

    OrthoSera GmbH

    OrthoSera has been founded in 2012 in Krems, Austria. Since then it has emerged to a leading developer of serum-based orthobiologics with the first product launched in 2015. With subsidiaries in the US and Hungary we have the ambition to make our technology globally available for patients. OrthoSera is a regenerative medicine company harnessing the power of blood serum for human diseases. Our R&D is currently focused on bone grafting, osteoarthritis, wound healing, as well as dental and orthopaedic indications.

    Blood serum has a high regenerative potential and based on this fact OrthoSera has already developed more technologies.

    BoneAlbumin is the optimal bone graft which is taking full use of the latest research in regenerative medicine. Hyperacute serum is also patent-covered and can be applied at the bedside with our CE-marked medical device, hypACT inject.

    Fore more information please visit to orthosera.com


    The fully customized complex professional and organizational service of the BTC Sport Travel Agency. We provide the new dimension of the training camps where everything serves the full physical and mental preparation. Whether pre-season, during the season, or after the championship trough our training camp we guarantee the maximum effectiveness by our services. Recommended:

    • Before the championship
    • Preparation time
    • For team building
    • During the season
    • As a championship’s deduction
    • For preparation to world events
    • For pretaration to international championships

    Our training camps are available international for everybody regardless of sport and age. What are you waiting for? Do your first step on the way of victory!

    More info: besttrainingcamp.com

    Favorit Sport (Bemer Partner)

    High performance – for top class sports

    Improvement of efficiency-faster regeneration – prevention of sporting injuries -rehabilitation

    BEMER is a medical device, which was developed by a Berliner Microcirculation Institution and has a very positive effect on sportsman, because it enhances circulation in a unique way. Used as a supplementary application, it increases blodd flow and supports an improved supply with oxygen and nutrients.

    The Bemer therapy improves the blood distribution by 29%  in the smallest veins and therefore more oxygen and nutrient comes into the muscular tissues, the cells produce more ATP. It helps in the warming up, reduces sporting injuries, improves reactivity, regeneration and rehabilitation. It also improves the mental and physical capability!

    Because of its positive influence on microcirculation, regeneration time can be reduced and consequently traning sessions can be extended

    Advanteges of the bemer therapy in first-class sports

    • Increases anaerobic threshold
    • Provides faster regeneration
    • Improves level of training
    • Increases perfomance potencial
    • Better concentration skill
    • Reduces injury risk
    • Speeds up recovery from sport injuries
    • Minimizes training dowtime
    • Optimizes competitiveness
    • Strengthens the immune system, reduces infection risk

    The effect of BEMER treatment ont he physical fitness - Summary

    There were 12 tennis-players participating int he examinations  The examinations were carried out during a 3-week training camp.

    The data proved that the performance of those who were treated increased 440 metres (15% improvement), while that of those without the treatment increased only 166 metres (5,4% improvement. The group that was treated achieved the better performance by a 1,5 km/h running speed increase of the anaerobic threshold (9,5% improvement), while int he group that was not treated the improvement of the anaerobic threshold did not even reach the speed of 0,5 km/h (0.4%).

    Information: Aniko Krisztik: +36-20/420-6618 | aniko-krisztik.bemergroup.com


    At InterTicket, we have been working for over 25 years to ensure that our partners can serve event and sport visitors to the highest possible standard. By introducing our innovative solutions, we aim to increase the number of visitors and the customer experience. We improve the quality of our services through world-class developments and innovations, in which the integration of blockchain technology has a special role. This will enable our partners to implement faster and even fully automated financial accounting, easier customer identification, loyalty cards and programs, in a simple and efficient way.


    KONSENS Kft. has been supplying a variety world class medical devices, implants and diagnostic equipment since 30 years in Hungary. The exclusive distributed TMG – tensyomyography system shows very dynamic development in different areas of sports innovation.


    • Performance – development, individualize training plans
    • Sport medicine
    • Research

    TMG –Tensiomyography is an evidence based method which enables precise measuring of individual muscles contraction characteristics- the ability of the muscle to contract/relax. This information is crucial for optimize training plans, identification of injury risk, supports return to play decisions and shows change in performance over time.

    More information: konsens.hu | tmg-bodyevolution.com | tensiomyography.net


    Mobile Motion Lab is a Hungarian startup founded in 2016. Its focus is using machine learning and biomechanical modeling in motion analysis to find latent conditions that are not visible yet but could lead to potential injuries and problems.

    Mobile Motion Lab's flagship product is a decision support software to provide rehabilitation experts with dynamic, functional analysis of the lower limbs. It is the quickest, easiest and most flexible motion analysis system available for physicians, physical therapists, team coaches or personal trainers. 

    Unlike most medical examinations, MML provides information on the human body in motion. No preparation is necessary as the Mobile Motion system works with one single sensor and the whole examination takes only a few minutes. MML brings professional walking analysis to any medical center or sport facility, only a treadmill and a compatible wearable device are required.

    MML has been a healthcare partner of 2019 Hungarian champion FTC Ice Hockey for three seasons, and we are growing our network of cooperation with health care facilities and gyms.

    More info: mml.science


    Change of approach in higher education training

    One of the most important training objectives for higher education is effectively preparing students to carry out work efficiently. Accordingly, it is necessary constantly to develop the training system of institutions of higher education, their teaching-learning methodologies, tools, and within this particularly the eLearning-based mixed and pure eLearning training forms from the aspects of content, methodology and technology.

    We developed the methodological solutions and services of the SkillToolkit adaptive Virtual Learning Environment in order to achieve the verifiably effective theoretical, and to a certain extent, practical preparation, and the integrated competence development of students studying in institutions of higher education, as well as workers taking part in recruitment training, coaching courses etc. This is in the core interest, and can be one of the keys to the success of, all institutions of higher education and companies.

    By breaking with the less effective training solutions of traditional eLearning, the methodological opportunities of the SkillToolkit adaptive Virtual Learning Environment are adaptive, that is, individual students receive the syllabus adjusted to their knowledge, skills, motivations, in other words, their competences, in differentiated ways, and they receive the practice/control tests on the basis of different learning routes according to their knowledge level/attitude and motivation level/learning style etc.

    In order to achieve the education-training goals, we drafted and apply the activity-oriented, teaching-learning method building on the “SkillToolkit adaptive eSyllabus drill-cycle" with a competence-based methodological approach established with due attention to the operation of cognitive functions and their place in the learning process.

    In the adaptive learning process, the SkillToolkit eLearning solution realizes the detailed tracking of learning progress, relevant student interactions, the execution of tasks, test questions etc., and through this it is possible to determine individually to which particular part of the syllabus and to what depth the given employee knows, and exactly where he/she has to be supported in order to achieve a higher level of knowledge, furthermore, which attitude of him/her must be enhanced in order to attain a more effective degree of work efficiency.

    Elements of the adaptive eLearning solution supporting SkillToolkit knowledge management and human resources development:

    • SkillToolkit competence-based, activity-oriented adaptive eLearning learning-teaching methodology,
    • SkillToolkit adaptive eLearning syllabus,
    • SkillToolkit adaptive eLearning software.

    SkillToolkit: We don’t simply teach, but we make sure you learn!

    SkillDict Zrt. | 1036 Budapest, Lajos u. 78. | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    2025. Hungarian University of Sports Science.
    All rights reserved.